Cover image for Committed to memory : 100 best poems to memorize
Committed to memory : 100 best poems to memorize
edited, with an introduction, by John Hollander.
Publication Information:
New York : Academy of American Poets, ©1996.
Physical Description:
196 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
A collection of over 100 poems selected specifically for memorization, emcompassing a wide variety of genres, structures, and patterns, and drawn from a period ranging from Biblical times through the mid-twentieth century.
Subject Term:
Added Author:
Sonnets: Sonnet / Elizabeth Bishop -- At the round Earths imagin'd corners / John Donne -- On first looking into Chapman's Homer / John Keats -- New colossus / Emma Lazarus -- Lucifer in starlight / George Meredith -- On his blindness / John Milton / Piazza piece / John Crowe Ransom -- Sonnet #18 / William Shakespeare -- Sonnet #55 / William Shakespeare -- Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Compose upon Westminster bridge / William Wordsworth -- Tears, idle tears / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Song of myself, #11 / Walt Whitman -- Widow's lament on springtime / William Carlos Williams -- Slumber did my spirit seal / WIlliam Wordsworth -- They flee from me / Thomas Wyatt -- Cat and the moon / William Butler Yeats -- Song of wandering Aengus / William Butler Yeats --Counsels: April mortality / Leonie Adams -- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 / Anonymous -- Braham / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- From the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam / Edward Fitzgerald -- World / George Herbert -- To the virgins, to make much of time / Robert Herrick -- To an athlete dying young / A.E. Housman -- If / Rudyard Kipling -- Up-hill / Christina Rossetti -- Do not go gentle into that good night / Dylan Thomas -- Go, lovely rose! / Edmund Waller -- Eagle and the mole / Elinor Wylie -- Second coming / William Butler Yeats.

Tales: Lord Randall / Anonymous -- My last duchess / Robert Browning -- Jabberwocky / Lewis Carroll -- Kubla Khan / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- anyone live in a pretty how town / E.E. Cummings -- Road not taken / Robert Frost -- Ode on the death of a favorite cat / Thomas Gray -- Oxen / Thomas Hardy -- Le belle dame sans merci / John Keats -- Owl and the pussy-cat / Edward Lear -- Richard Cory / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- Apple gathering / Christina Rossetti -- Woodspurge / Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- All the world's a stage / William Shakespeare -- Casey at the bat / Ernest Lawrence Thayer -- Adlestrop / Edward Thomas -- From Snow-bound / John Greenleaf Whittier -- Meditations: Dover beach / Matthew Arnold -- Stanzas / Emily Bronte -- To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant -- From Childe Harold's pilgrimage / George G.N., Lord Byron -- Narrow fellow in the grass / Emily Dickinson -- Because I could not stop for death / Emily Dickinson -- Mending wall / Robert Frost -- Hyla brook / Robert Frost -- Spring pools / Robert Frost -- Darkling thrush / Thomas Hardy -- Chambered nautilus / Oliver Wendell Holmes -- Spring and fall / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- To autumn / John Keats -- On his seventy-fifth birthday / Walter Savage Landor -- Snow-flakes / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- Tide rises, the tide falls / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -- Shiloh / Herman Melville -- Animals / Edwin Muir -- House on the hill / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- From Adonais / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Not waving but drowning / Stevie Smith -- Mnemosyne / Trumbull Stickney -- Ulysses / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- From In memoriam / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Kraken / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Noiseless patient spider / Walt Whitman.