Cover image for The Concise Columbia book of poetry
The Concise Columbia book of poetry
edited by William Harmon.
Publication Information:
New York : Columbia University Press, c1990.
Physical Description:
ix, 250 p. ; 24 cm.
General Note:
Includes indexes.
Added Author:
The Greatest hits of poetry in English. The Tyger / William Blake -- Sir Patrick Spens / Anonymous -- To Autumn / John Keats -- That time of year thou mayst in me behold / William Shakespeare -- Pied Beauty / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Stopping by woods on a snowy evening / Robert Frost -- Kubla Khan / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold -- La Belle Dame Sans Merci / John Keats -- To the Virgins, to make much of time / Robert Herrick -- To his Coy mistress / Andrew Marvell -- The Passionate Shepherd to his love / Christopher Marlowe -- Death, be not proud / John Donne -- Upon Julia's clothes / Robert Herrick -- To Lucasta, going to the wars / Richard Lovelace -- The World is too much with us / William Wordsworth -- On first looking into chapman's Homer / John Keats -- Jabberwocky / Lewis Carroll -- The Second coming / William Butler Yeats -- Elegy written in a country churchyard / Thomas Gray -- Ozumandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Sailing to Byzantium / William Butler Yeats -- Shall I compare there to a summer's day? / William Shakespeare -- Let me not to the marriage of true minds / William Shakespeare -- Fear no more the heat o' the sun / Willian Shakespeare -- Ode to a nightingale / John Keats -- The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock / T. S. Eliot -- To Helen / Edgar Allan Poe -- Because I Could not stop for death / Emily Dickinson -- The Windhover / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Anthem for Doomed youth / Wilfred Owen -- When icicles hang by the wall / William Shakespeare -- Batter my heart, three-personed God / John Donne -- Love / George Herbert -- Ode to the west wind / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- God's Grandeur / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Do not go gentle into that good night / Dylan Thomas --

Western wind / Anonymous -- The Lover showeth how he is forsaken of such as he sometime enjoyed / Sir Thomas Wyatt -- The Good-morrow / John Donne -- Delight in disorder / Robert Herrick -- Wandered lonely as a cloud / William Wordsworth -- My last Duchess / Robert Browning -- Spring and fall / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Leda and the swan / William Butler Yeats -- The River-Merchant's wife: A letter / Ezra Pound -- Go, lovely rose / Edmund Waller -- The Retreat / Henry Vaughan -- Ode on a Grecian Urn / John Keats -- London / William Blake -- And did those feet / William Blake -- Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 / William Wordsworth -- The Splendor falls / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- The Darkling thrush / Thomas Hardy -- Loveliest of trees, the cherry now / A. E. Housman -- Mending wall / Robert Frost -- Fern Hill / Dylan Thomas -- A litany in time of plague / Thomas Nashe -- Song: To Celia / Ben Jonson -- The Collar / George Herbert -- Why so Pale and Wan, fond lover? / Sir John Suckling -- The Garden / Andrew Marvell -- The Solitary reaper / William Wordsworth -- Break, break, break / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Crossing the bar / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Mr. Flood's party / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- Musee des Beaux arts / W. H. Auden -- The Death of the ball Turret Gunner / Randall Jarrell -- Full fathom five / William Shakespeare -- When to the sessions of sweet silent thought / William Shakespeare -- Piping down the Valleys Wild / William Blake -- So, we'll go no more a-roving / George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron -- I heard a fly buzz / Emily Diskinson -- Miniver Cheevy / Edwin Alington Robinson -- Tp Brooklyn bridge/ Hart Crane -- Edward, Edward / Anonymous --

Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part / Michael Drayton -- Oh Mistress mine / William Shakespeare -- On my first son / Ben Jonson -- At the round earth's imagined corners / John Donne -- Virtue / George Herbert -- Ask me no more where Jove Bestows / Thomas Carew -- Ode on the death of a favorite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes / Thomas Gray -- The Rime of the Ancient mariner / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Concord hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson -- The Lake isle of innisfree / William Butler Yeats -- Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae sub Regno Cynarae / Ernest Dowson -- My Papa's Waltz / Theodore Roethre -- The Nymph's reply to the Shepherd / Sir Walter Ralegh -- Gp and catch a falling star / John Donne -- The Sun rising / John Donne -- Lycidas / John Milton -- To Althea, from prison / Richard Lovelace -- The Sick rose / William Blake -- Ulysses / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- The Eagle / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- Home-Thoughts, from abroad/ Robert Browning -- A narrow fellow in the grass / Emily Dickinson -- When you are old / William Butler Yeats -- The Listeners / Walter De La Mare.