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Complete poems
Complete poems
Collected and edited, with an introduction and notes, by Vivian de Sola Pinto and Warren Roberts.
Uniform Title:
Publication Information:
New York : Viking Press, [1964]
Physical Description:
2 volumes : portraits ; 22 cm.
Volume I -- The wild common -- Dog-tired -- From a college window -- Discord in childhood -- Cherry robbers -- Dream-confused -- Renascence -- Virgin youth -- Study -- Twilight -- Love on the farm -- Gipsy -- The collier's wife -- Flapper -- Thief in the night -- Monologue of a mother -- The little town at evening -- In a boat -- Last hours -- Flat suburbs, S. W., in the morning -- The best of school -- Dreams old and nascent -- Suburbs on a hazy day -- Weeknight service -- A man who died -- Letter from town: on a grey morning in March -- Letter from town: the almond-tree -- Wedding morn -- Violets -- Lightning -- End of another home holiday -- Baby running barefoot -- Sigh no more -- Guards -- Aware -- A pang of reminiscence -- A white blossom -- Corot -- Michael Angelo -- Hyde park at night, before the war -- Piccadilly circus at night -- After the opera -- Morning work -- Transformations -- A baby asleep after pain -- Last lesson of the afternoon -- School on the outskirts -- A snowy day in school -- Whether or not -- A winter's tale -- Return -- The appeal -- Lilies in the fire -- Red moon-rise -- Scent of irises -- Forecast -- Prophet -- Discipline -- The punisher -- Tease -- Mystery -- Repulsed -- Coldness in love -- Suspense -- Endless anxiety -- The end -- The bride -- The virgin mother -- At the window -- Reminder -- Drunk -- Sorrow -- Dolour of autumn -- The inheritance -- Silence -- Listening -- Brooding grief -- Last words to Miriam -- Malade -- Lotus and frost -- The yew-tree on the downs -- Troth with the dead -- At a loose end -- Submergence -- The enkindled spring -- Excursion train -- Release -- These clever women -- Ballad of another Ophelia -- Kisses in the train -- Turned down -- After many days -- Snap-dragon -- Come spring, come sorrow -- The hands of the betrothed -- A love song -- Twofold -- Tarantella -- Under the oak -- Brother and sister -- The shadow of death -- Birdcage walk -- In trouble and shame -- Call into death -- Grey evening -- Firelight and nightfall -- Blueness -- A passing-bell -- The drained cup -- Late at night -- Next morning -- Winter in the boulevard -- Parliament hill in the evening -- Embankment at night, before the war -- Sickness -- In church -- Piano -- The north country -- Love storm -- Passing visit to Helen -- Twenty years ago -- Reading a letter -- Seven seals -- Two wives -- Noise of battle -- At the front -- Reality of peace, 1916 -- Narcissus -- Tommies in the train -- On the march -- Ruination -- The attack -- Winter-lull -- Bombardment -- Rondeau of a conscientous objector -- Obsequial ode -- Going back -- Shades -- Town in 1917 -- Bread upon the waters -- War-baby -- Nostalgia -- Dreams old and nascent -- On that day -- Autumn sunshine -- Song-day in autumn -- Disagreeable advice -- Restlessness -- Moonrise -- Elegy -- Nonentity -- Martyr a la mode -- Don Juan -- The sea -- Hymn to Priapus -- Ballad of a willful woman -- Bei Hennef -- First morning -- And oh - that the man I am might cease to be -- She looks back -- On the balcony -- Frohnleichnam -- In the dark -- Mutilation -- Humiliation -- A young wife -- Green -- River roses -- Gloire de dijon -- Roses on the breakfast table -- I am like a rose -- Rose of all the world -- A youth mowing -- Quite forsaken -- Forsaken and forlorn -- Fireflies in the corn -- A doe at evening -- Song of a man who is not loved -- Sinners -- Misery -- Meeting among the mountains -- Everlasting flowers -- Sunday afternoon in Italy -- Winter dawn -- A bad beginning -- Why does she weep -- Giorno dei morti -- All souls -- Lady wife -- Both sides of the medal -- Loggerheads -- December night -- New Year's Eve -- New Year's night -- Valentine's night -- Birth night -- Rabbit snared in the night -- Paradise re-entered -- Coming awake -- Spring morning -- Wedlock -- History -- Song of a man who is loved -- The song of a man who has come through -- One woman to all woman -- People -- Street lamps -- She said as well to me -- New heaven and earth -- Elysium -- Manifesto -- Autumn rain -- Frost flowers -- Craving for spring -- Fruits -- Pomegranate -- Peach -- Medlars and sorb-apples -- Figs -- Grapes -- The revolutionary -- The evening land -- Peace -- Trees --

Volume I cont. -- Cypresses -- Bare fig-trees -- Bare almond-trees -- Tropic -- Southern night -- Flowers -- Almond blossom -- Purple anemones -- Sicilian cyclamens -- Hibiscus and salvia flowers -- The evangelistic beasts -- St Matthew -- St Mark -- St Luke -- St John -- Creatures -- The mosquito -- Fish -- Bat -- Man and bat -- Reptiles -- Snake -- Baby Tortoise -- Tortoise shell -- Tortoise family connections -- Lui et elle -- Tortoise gallantry -- Toroise shout -- Birds -- Turkey-cock -- Humming-bird -- Eagle in New Mexico -- The blue jay -- Animals -- The ass -- He-goat -- She-goat -- Elephant -- Kangaroo -- Bibbles -- Mountain lion -- Red wolf -- Ghosts -- Men in New Mexico -- Autumn at Taos -- Spirits summoned west -- The American eagle -- Our day is over -- Hark in the dusk -- Elephants in the circus -- Elephants plodding -- On the drum -- Two performing elephants -- Twilight -- Cups -- Bowls -- You -- To let go or to hold on -- How beastly the bourgeois is -- Worm either way -- Natural complexion -- The Oxford voice -- True democracy -- To be superior -- Swan -- Leda -- Give us gods -- Won't it be strange -- Spiral flame -- Let the dead bury their dead -- When wilt thou teach the people -- A living -- When I went to the film -- When I went to the circus -- The noble Englishman -- Things men have made -- Things made by iron -- New houses, new clothes -- Whatever man makes -- We are transmitters -- All that we have is life -- Let us be men -- Work -- Why -- What is he -- O! start a revolution -- Moon memory -- There is rain in me -- Desire goes down into the sea -- The sea, the sea -- November by the sea -- Old song -- Good husbands make unhappy wives -- Fight! o my young men -- Women want fighters for their lovers -- It's either you fight or you die -- Don'ts -- The risen lord -- The secret waters -- Beware, o my dear young men -- Obscenity -- Sex isn't sin -- The elephant is slow to mate -- Sex and trust -- The gazelle calf -- Little fish -- The mosquito knows -- Self-pity -- New moon -- Spray -- Sea-weed -- My enemy -- Touch -- Noli me tangere -- Chastity -- Let us talk, let us laugh -- Touch comes -- Leave sex along -- The mess of love -- Climb down, o lordly mind -- Ego-bound -- Jealousy -- Ego-bound women -- Fidelity -- Know deeply, know thyself more deeply -- All I ask -- The universe flows -- Underneath -- The primal passions -- Escape -- The root of our evil -- The ignoble procession -- No joy in life -- Wild things in captivity -- Mournful young man -- There is no way out -- Money-madness -- Kill money -- Men are not bad -- Nottingham's new University -- I am in a novel -- No! Mr Lawrence! -- Red-herring -- Our moral age -- My naughty book -- The little wowser -- The young and their moral guardians -- When I read Shakespeare -- Salt of the earth -- Fresh water -- Peace and war -- Many mansions -- Glory -- Woe -- Attila -- What would you fight for -- Choice -- Riches -- Poverty -- Noble -- Wealth -- Tolerance -- Compari -- Sick -- Dead people -- Cerebral emotions -- Wellsian futures -- To women, as far as I'm concerned -- Blank -- Elderly discontented women -- Old people -- The grudge of the old -- Beautiful old age -- Courage -- Desire is dead -- When the ripe fruit falls -- Elemental -- Fire -- I wish I knew a woman -- Talk -- The effort of love -- Can't be borne -- Man reaches a point -- Grasshopper is a burden -- Basta! -- Tragedy -- After all the tragedies are over -- Nullus -- Dies Irae -- Dieas Illa -- Stop it -- The death of our era -- The new world -- Sun in me -- Be still -- At last -- Nemesis -- The optimist -- The third thing -- The sane universe -- Fear of society is the root of all evil -- God -- Sane and insane -- A sane revolution -- Always this paying -- Poor young things -- A played-out game -- Triumph -- The combative spirit -- Wages -- Young fathers -- A tale told by and idiot -- Being alive -- Self-protection -- A man -- Lizard -- Relativity -- Space -- Sun-men -- Sun-women -- Democracy -- Aristocracy of the sun -- Conscience -- The middle classes -- Immorality -- Censors -- Man's image -- Immoral man -- Cowards -- Think -- Peacock -- Paltry-looking people -- Tarts -- Latter-day sinners -- What matters -- Fate and the younger generation -- As for me, I'm a patriot -- The rose of England -- England in 1929 -- Liberty's old old story -- New brooms -- Police spies -- Now it's happened -- Energetic women -- Film passion -- Female coercion -- Volcanic Venus -- What does she want -- Wonderful spiritual women -- Poor bit of a wench -- What ails thee? -- It's no good -- Don't look at me -- Ships in bottles -- Know thyself, and that thou art mortal -- What is man without an income -- Canvassing for the election -- Altercation -- Finding your level -- Climbing up -- To Clarinda -- Conundrums -- A rise in the world -- Up he goes -- The saddest day -- Prestige -- Have done with it -- Henriette -- Vitality -- Willy wet-leg -- Maybe -- Stand up! -- Trust -- Demon justice -- Be a demon -- The jeune fille --

Volume II -- A rose in not a cabbage -- The man in the street -- Britannia's baby -- Change of government -- The British workman and the government -- Clydesider -- Flapper vote -- Neptune's little affair with freedom -- My native land -- The British boy -- 13,000 people -- Innocent England -- Give me a sponge -- Puss-puss -- London mercury -- My little critics -- Daddy-do-nothing -- Question -- Editorial office -- The great newspaper editor to his subordinate -- Modern prayer -- Cry of the masses -- What have they done to you -- The people -- The factory cities -- Leaves of grass, flowers of grass -- Magnificent democracy -- Image-making love -- People -- Desire -- To a certain friend -- The emotional friend -- Correspondence in after years -- The egoists -- Chimaera -- Ultimate reality -- Sphinx -- Intimates -- True love at last -- Andraitx- pomegranate flowers -- I dare do all -- Battle of life -- There are too many people -- The heart of man -- Moral clothing -- Behaviour -- The hostile sun -- The church -- The protestant churches -- Loneliness -- The uprooted -- Delight of being alone -- Refused friendship -- Future relationships -- Future religion -- Future states -- Future war -- Signs of the times -- Initiation degrees -- Unhappy souls -- Full life -- People who care -- Non-existence -- All-knowing -- Salvation -- Old archangels -- Lucifer -- The mill of God -- Multitudes -- Fallen leaves -- The difference -- The breath of life -- Vengeance is mine -- Astronomical changes -- Fatality -- Free will -- In a Spanish tram-car -- Spanish privilege -- At the bank in Spain -- The Spanish wife -- The painter's wife -- Modern problems -- Dominant woman -- Men and woman -- The scientific doctor -- Healing -- En masse -- God and the holy ghost -- Humility -- Proper pride -- Humility mongers -- Tender reverence -- Absolute reverence -- Belief -- Bells -- The triumph of the machine -- Forte dei marmi -- Sea-bathers -- Talk of loyalty -- Talk of faith -- Amo sacrum vulgus -- Boredom, ennui, depression -- The deadly Victorian -- What are the wild waves saying -- Welcome death -- Dark Satanic mills -- We die together -- What have they done to you -- What is a man to do -- City-life -- 13 pictures -- Auto-da-fe -- Shows -- Rose and cabbage -- The gulf -- The cross -- Fellow-men -- The sight of God -- Souls to save -- When most men die -- Hold back -- Impulse -- Men like gods -- Men and machines -- Masses and classes -- Give us the baid -- Side-step, o sons of men -- On and on and on -- Oh wonderful machine -- But I say unto you: love one another -- Love thy neighbour -- As thyself -- Lonely, lonesome, lonely o -- Trees in the garden -- Storm in the black forest -- Revolution as such -- Robot feelings -- Robot-democracy -- Real democracy -- Worship -- Classes -- Democracy is service -- False democracy and real -- Service -- What are the gods -- The gods! The gods! -- Name the gods -- There are no gods -- Food of the north -- Retort to Whitman -- Retort to Jesus -- The deepest sensuality -- Sense of truth -- Satisfaction -- Vibration of justice -- Lies -- Poison -- Commandments -- Emotional lies -- Laughter -- Drawing-room -- Cabbage roses -- Cold blood -- Sunset -- Listen to the band -- The human face -- Portraits -- Furniture -- Children singing in school -- Keep it up -- Race and battle -- Nothing to save -- Emasculation -- British sincerity -- The English are so nice -- The hills -- Tourists -- Seekers -- Search for love -- Search for truth -- Lies about love -- Travel is over -- Old men -- Death -- Bourgeois and Bolshevist -- Property and no-property -- Cowardice and impudence -- Lord Tennyson and Lord Melchett -- Choice of evils -- Hard-boiled conservatives -- Solomon's baby -- The property question -- The way out -- St. George and the dragon -- The half-blind -- Minorities in danger -- If you are a man -- Terra incognita -- Climbing down -- Only the best matters -- To Pino -- Broadcasting to the G. B. P. -- We can't be too careful -- Lucky little Britisher -- The working man -- Glimpses -- All sorts of gods -- For a moment -- Goethe and pose -- Men like gods -- Thought -- The gods -- Be it so -- Conceit -- Man is more than homo sapiens -- Self-conscious people -- Two ways of living and dying -- So let me live -- Gladness of death -- Humanity needs pruning -- Self-sacrifice -- Shedding of blood -- The old idea of sacrifice -- Self-sacrifice is perhaps the vilest deed -- Thomas Earp -- Gross, coarse, hideous -- Mr. Squire -- Let there be light -- God is born -- The white horse -- Flowers and men -- Prayer -- The Greeks are coming --

Volume II cont. -- The Argonauts -- Middle of the world -- For the heroes are dipped in scarlet -- Demiurge -- The work of creation -- Red geranium and godly mignonette -- Bodiless god -- The body of god -- The rainbow -- Maximus -- The man of Tyre -- They say the sea is loveless -- Whales weep not -- Invocation to the moon -- Butterfly -- Bavarian Gentians -- Lucifer -- The breath of life -- Silence -- The hands of God -- Pax -- Abysmal immortality -- Only man -- Return of returns -- Stoic -- In the cities -- Lord's prayer -- Mana of the sea -- Salt -- The four -- The boundary stone -- Spilling the salt -- Walk warily -- Mystic -- Anaxagoras -- Kissing horrid strife -- When Satan fell -- Doors -- Evil is homeless -- What then is evil -- The evil world-soul -- The wandering cosmos -- Death is not evil, evil is mechanical -- Strife -- The late war -- Murder -- Murderous weapons -- Departure -- The ship of death -- Difficult death -- All soul's day -- Beware the unhappy dead -- After all saint's day -- Song of death -- The end, the beginning -- Sleep -- Sleep and waking -- Fatigue -- Forget -- Know-all -- Tabernacle -- Temples -- Shadows -- Change -- Pheonix -- Rebuked -- The wind, the rascal -- The young soldier with bloody spurs -- Ah Muriel! -- We have gone too far -- Resurrection of the flesh -- Erinnyes -- Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani -- Resurrection -- Labour battalion -- No news -- The last minute -- Vicar's son -- Drill in the heat -- Mother's son in Salonika -- Casualty -- Maiden's prayer -- Man hauling a wagon -- Sighs -- Daughter of the great man -- The child and the soldier -- Pieta -- The grey nurse -- Litany of grey nurses -- Message to a perfidious soldier -- Dust in the east -- The girl in Cairo -- The Jewess and the V.C. -- Zeppelin nights -- Munitions -- Land-worker -- Mourning -- Mesopotamia -- Tales -- Foreign sunset -- Prisoner at work in a Turkish garden -- Response from the harem -- Swing song of a girl and a soldier -- Prisoners at work in the rain -- The well in Africa -- Neither moth nor rust -- Apostrophe to a Buddhist monk -- Him with his tail in his mouth -- Flat-foot's song -- Traitors -- Reach over -- Softly, then, softly -- Change of life -- What do I care -- Are you pining -- O! Americans -- Fire -- The coming of Quetzalcoatl -- Lord of the morning star -- Someone will enter between the gates -- My name is Jesus -- Quetzalcoatl looks down on Mexico -- What Quetzalcoatl saw in Mexico -- Song to the tune of La cucaracha -- Jesus' farewell -- The song of Don Ramón -- Son of the morning star -- The living Quetzalcoatl -- Welcome to Quetzalcoatl -- The mid-day verse -- The dawn verse -- The sunset verse -- Metal for resistance -- First song of Huitzilopochtli -- Second song of Huitzilopochtli -- Third song of Huitzilopochtli -- The song of the grey dog -- The lords of life are the masters of death -- Huitzilopochtli gives the black blade of death -- Huitzilopochtli's watch -- Song of the dead -- Like the green candles of Manlintzi -- My way is not thy way -- Mediterranean in January -- Beyond the Rockies -- The old orchard -- Rainbow -- Hymn to nothingness -- August holidays -- Bathing resort -- The young are not mean in material things -- The young want to be just -- The gentleman -- The young are not greedy -- Middle-class children -- Know thyself -- Night -- Love -- So there -- Morality -- Immorality -- Censors -- Life and the human consciousness -- The latent desire -- For all that -- Love as an escape -- What's to be done -- Rallying-point -- Today -- The elements -- Gods -- Little-boy brilliant -- I heard her say -- What's wrong -- Money -- Sex won't work -- Deeper than love -- Bawdy can be sane and wholesome -- There was a gay bird named Christine -- A la maniere de D. H. Lawrence -- Campions -- Guelder roses -- The fall of day -- Married in June -- The worm turns -- On the road -- The death of the Baron -- Up in the high -- Failure -- A decision -- A train at night -- Baby songs ten months old -- Eve -- After school -- A snowy day at school -- Reading in the evening -- A man at play on the river -- Amour -- Bereavement -- Loss -- Grief -- A love-passage -- Ah, with his blessing bright on thy mouth and thy brow -- Aloof in gaiety -- And jude the obscure and his beloved -- A drama -- Separated -- Assuming the burden -- The chief mystery -- Erotic -- Moon new-risen -- Red -- She was a good little wife -- Pear-blossom -- At the Cearne -- A kiss -- Other women have reared in me -- The wild common -- Renaissance -- Virgin youth -- The schoolmaster [A]-- The schoolmaster [B] -- Dreams old and nascent -- Violets for the dead -- Violets -- Baby-movements -- Corot -- Michael-angelo -- Night songs -- Whether or not -- Discipline -- Last words to Muriel -- Last words to Miriam -- Liason -- Dissolute -- Honeymoon -- A spiritual woman -- Another Ophelia -- Snap-dragon -- To Lettice, my sister -- Grief -- Twilight -- The piano -- Birthday -- Early spring -- All of roses -- The mowers -- Fireflies in the corn -- Song of a man that is loved -- Religion -- I know a noble Englishman -- Work -- In Nottingham -- Morality -- Deeper than love -- What's sane and what isn't -- The triumph of the machine -- Glory of darkness -- Bavarian Gentians -- Ship of death -- The ship of death -- Song of death
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