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Cover image for American panorama : essays by fifteen American critics on 350 books past and present which portray the U.S.A. in its many aspects
American panorama : essays by fifteen American critics on 350 books past and present which portray the U.S.A. in its many aspects
American panorama : essays by fifteen American critics on 350 books past and present which portray the U.S.A. in its many aspects
edited by Eric Larrabee.
Publication Information:
[New York] New York University Press, 1957.
Physical Description:
436 pages 24 cm
"Carnegie Corporation, as a philanthropic foundation whose purpose is "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding" in the United States and certain areas of the British Commonwealth, has long been aware of the enormous difficulties faced by anyone who looks for a well-delineated portrait of the United States. Though conceived as an adjunct to a selected library of 350 American books, it can be used independently as a condensed and interrelated survey of the culture from which those books have come. It represents, first, the conviction that there is such a thing as the American culture. It is a partisan list, and the essays collected here about the books are partisan. They reflect a clear-cut image of American, if a variegated one, and they are colored by affection for that image."--Taken from foreword and introduction
Bibliography Note:
Includes bibliographical references [pages 379-399] and index.
Added Author:
Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada / Ansel Adams and John Muir -- The selected letters of Henry Adams / Newton Arvin, ed. -- Relation of the state to industrial action and economics and jurisprudence / Henry C. Adams ; Joseph Dorfman, ed. -- The Adams family / James Truslow Adams -- Grandfather stories / Samuel Hopkins Adams -- The spirit of youth and the city streets / Jane Addams -- Little women / Louisa M. Alcott -- The big change: America transforms itself, 1900-1950 / Frederick Lewis Allen -- Only yesterday / Frederick Lewis Allen -- The American people and foreign policy / Gabriel A. Almond -- Winesburg, Ohio / Sherwood Anderson -- The living Lincoln / Paul M. Angle and Earl Schenck Miers, eds. -- The promised land / Mary Antin -- The conqueror / Gertrude Atherton -- Congress makes a law: the story behind the employment act of 1946 / Stephen K. Bailey -- A diplomatic history of the American people / Thomas A. Bailey -- The eyes of discovery / John Bakeless -- Go tell it on the mountain / James Baldwin -- Writing on life: sixteen close-ups / Lincoln Barnett -- God's country and mine / Jacques Barzun -- Music in American life / Jacques Barzun -- The American faith / Ernest Sutherland Bates -- New art in America: 20th century painting, U.S.A. / John I. H. Baur, ed. -- Revolution and tradition in modern American art / John I . H. Baur -- The American spirit / Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard -- The declaration of independence: a study in the history of political ideas / Carl Becker -- Looking backward, 2000-1887 / Edward Bellamy -- Patterns of culture / Ruth Benedict -- John Brown's Body / Stephen Vincent Benét -- The dramatic event / Eric Bentley -- From the American drama / Eric Bentley, ed. -- An artist in America / Thomas Hart Benton -- The 20th century capitalist revolution / Adolf A. Berle, Jr. -- The collected writings of Ambrose Bierce -- The fireside book of favorite American songs / Margaret Bradford Boni, ed. -- The genius of American politics / Daniel J. Boorstin -- Sidewalks of America: folklore, legends, sagas, traditions, customs, songs, stories, and sayings of city folk / B. A. Botkin, ed. -- A treasury of American folklore / B. A. Botkin, ed. -- The tragic era: the revolution after Lincoln / Claude G. Bowers -- The American character / D. W. Brogan -- John Sloan: a painter's life / Van Wyck Brooks -- The world of Washington Irving / Van Wyck Brooks -- The next America / Lyman Bryson -- The spirit and the flesh / Pearl S. Buck -- Backgrounds of power / Roger Burlingame -- Henry Ford / Roger Burlingame -- An anthology of famous American stories / Angus Burrell and Bennett Cerf, eds. -- The rise of David Levinsky / Abraham Cahan -- The Hudson / Carl Carmer -- Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie -- The mind of the South / W. J. Cash -- Death comes for the archbishop / Willa Cather -- My Ántonia / Willa Cather -- A stillness at Appomattox / Bruce Catton -- An encyclopedia of modern American humor / Bennett Cerf, ed. -- The blessings of liberty / Zechariah Chafee, Jr. -- The selected writings of John Jay Chapman -- America's music / Gilbert Chase -- A goodly fellowship / Mary Ellen Chase -- Review and reflection: a half-century of labor relations / Cyrus S. Ching -- The index of American design / Erwin O. Christensen -- The doctors Mayo / Helen Clapesattle -- Challenge of the American know-how / Pearl Franklin Clark -- Collier's world atlas and gazetteer -- Theodore Parker / Henry Steele Commager -- Education and liberty / James Bryant Conant -- The leatherstocking saga / James Fenimore Cooper; Allan Nevins, ed. -- The everyday reference library / Lewis Copeland and Lawrence W. Lamm, eds. -- Our new music / Aaron Copland -- Joseph Henry / Thomas Coulson -- Charles Ives and his music / Henry Cowell adn Sidney Cowell -- The literary situation / Malcolm Cowley -- Guard of honor / James Gould Cozzens -- The just and the unjust / James Gould Cozzens -- An omnibus / Stephen Crane -- Cartoon cavalcade / Thomas Craven, ed. -- Letters from an American farmer / Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur -- Critics' choice: New York drama critics' circle prize plays, 1935-1955 / Jack Gaver, ed. -- Connecticut Yankee: an autobiography / Wilbur L. Cross -- Collected poems / E. E. Cummings -- The enormous room / E. E. Cummings -- The Sacramento, river of gold / Julian Dana -- Two years before the mast / Richard Henry Dana, Jr. -- The Wilson era / Josephus Daniels -- Life in America / Marshall B. Davidson -- Honey in the horn / H. L. Davis -- The best of Clarence Day -- Indian tales / Jaime de Angulo -- Dance to the piper / Agnes de Mille -- Democracy in America / Alexis de Tocqueville -- Across the wide Missouri / Bernard DeVoto -- The course of empire / Bernard DeVoto -- The year of decision: 1846 / Bernard DeVoto -- Intelligence in the modern world / John Dewey; Joseph Ratner, ed. -- Selected poems of Emily Dickinson -- Coronado's children: tales of lost mines and buried treasures of the Southwest / J. Frank Dobie -- Caste and class in a Southern town / John Dollard -- Lincoln reconsidered: essays on the Civil War era / David Donald -- U.S.A. / John Dos Passos -- Indian art of the United States / Frederic H. Douglas and René d'Harnoncourt

Sister Carrie / Theodore Dreiser -- Concept of the corporation / Peter F. Drucker -- America learns to play: a history of popular recreation, 1607-1940 / Foster Rhea Dulles -- Mr. Dooley at his best / Finley Peter Dunne; Elmer Ellis, ed. -- The portable Emerson / Mark Van Doren, ed. -- The American treasury, 1455-1955 / Clifton Fadiman, ed. -- Studs Lonigan / James T. Farrell -- The portable Faulkner / Malcolm Cowley, ed. -- Show Boat / Edna Ferber -- Atoms in the family: my life with Enrico Fermi / Laura Fermi -- The bent twig / Dorothy Canfield Fisher -- The critical period of American history, 1783-1789 / John Fiske -- American building / James Marston Fitch -- The last tycoon, together with The great Gatsby / F. Scott Fitzgerald -- American painting: the light of distant skies, 1760-1835 / James Thomas Flexner -- William Henry Welch and the heroic age of American medicine / Simon Flexner and James Thomas Flexner -- Paul Revere & the world he lived in / Esther Forbes -- The honorable Peter Stirling / Paul L. Ford -- U.S.A.: the permanent revolution / editors of Fortune -- Why do people buy? / editors of Fortune -- On being a real person / Harry Emerson Fosdick -- The case for modern man / Charles Frankel -- Benjamin Franklin's autobiographical writings / Carl Van Doren, ed. -- From slavery to freedom: a history of American negroes / John Hope Franklin -- The poems of Robert Frost -- The great crash, 1929 / John Kenneth Galbraith -- Progress and poverty / Henry George -- Mechanization takes command / Siegfried Giedion -- Vein of iron / Ellen Glasgow -- Great tales of the American west / Harry E. Maule, ed. -- Form and function: remarks on art / Horatio Greenough; Harold A. Small, ed. -- Inside U.S.A. / John Gunther -- The big sky / A. B. Guthrie, Jr. -- The federalist / Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison -- This was America / Oscar Handlin, ed. -- The uprooted / Oscar Handlin -- The southpaw / Mark harris -- The Oxford companion to American literature / James D. Hart -- The long ships passing / Walter Havighurst -- The complete novels and selected tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Norman Holmes Pearson, ed. -- The selected writings of Lafcadio Hearn / Henry Goodman, ed. -- The politics of Woodrow Wilson / August Heckscher, ed. -- The short stories of Ernest Hemingway -- Java head / Joseph Hergesheimer -- Porgy / Dubose Howard -- Built in USA: post-war architecture / Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Arthur Drexler, eds. -- Jazz: its evolution and essence / André Hodeir -- The true believer: thoughts on the nature of mass movements / Eric Hoffer -- The age of reform: from Bryan to FDR / Richard Hofstadter -- The American political tradition and the men who made it / Richard Hofstadter -- The story of American railroads / Stewart H. Holbrook -- The autocrat of the breakfast table / Oliver Wendell Holmes -- George Washington Carver / Rackham Holt -- Great River: the Rio Grande in North American history / Paul Horgan -- Selected writings of William Dean Howells / Henry Steele Commager, ed. -- Where peoples meet / Everett Cherrington Hughes and Helen MacGill Hughes -- Picture maker of the old West: William H. Jackson / Clarence S. Jackson -- Men of science in America / Bernard Jaffe -- The ambassadors / Henry James -- The selected letters of Henry James / Leon Edel, ed. -- The short stories of Henry James / Clifton Fadiman, ed. -- The raven: a biography of Sam Houston / Marquis James -- Selected papers on philosophy / William James -- The varieties of religious experience / William James -- Poetry and the age / Randall Jarrell -- The life and selected writings of Thomas Jefferson / Adrienne Koch and William Peden, eds. -- The country of the pointed firs and other stories / Sarah Orne Jewett -- Pioneer's progress / Alvin Johnson -- Sidney Hillman: statesman of American labor / Matthew Josephson -- The life and times of Kin Hubbard / Fred C. Kelly -- Miracle at Kitty Hawk: the letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright / Fred C. Kelly, ed. -- Profiles in courage / John F. Kennedy -- Our American weather / George H. T. Kimble -- The Columbia historical portrait of New York / John A. Kouwenhoven -- Made in America / John A. Kouwenhoven -- The desert year / Joseph Wood Krutch -- The manner is ordinary / John La Farge -- Laughing boy / Oliver La Farger -- The portable Ring Lardner / Gilbert Seldes, ed. -- Art and life in America / Oliver W. Larkin -- The American impact on Russia -- diplomatic and ideological, 1784-1917 / Max. W. Laserson -- The searchers / Alan Le May -- Captain Sam Grant / Lloyd Lewis -- Babbitt / Sinclair Lewis -- Elmer Gantry / Sinclair Lewis -- TVA : democracy on the march / David E. Lilienthal -- North to the Orient / Anne Morrow Lindbergh -- The Spirit of St. Louis / Charles A. Lindbergh -- American folk decoration / Jean Lipman -- Adventures of a ballad hunter / John A. Lomax -- The call of the wild and other stories / Jack London -- The road to Xanadu / John Livingston Lowes -- The future of American politics / Samuel Lubell -- Middletown in transition / Robert S. Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd -- The American Leonardo : the life of Samuel F.B. Morse / Carleton Mabee -- A short walk from the station / Phyllis McGinley -- The web of government / Robert M. MacIver -- Collected poems, 1917-1952 / Archibald MacLeish -- Jefferson the Virginian / Dumas Malone -- U.S. camera 1957 / edited by Tom Maloney -- The late George Apley / John P. Marquand -- Point of no return / John P. Marquand -- The limits of foreign policy / Charles Burton Marshall -- The dance / John Martin -- Spoon River anthology / Edgar Lee Masters -- A dictionary of Americanisms on historical principles / edited by Mitford M. Mathews -- American renaissance : art and expression in the age of Emerson and Whitman / F.O. Matthiessen -- The Oxford book of American verse / compiled by F.O. Matthiessen -- The social problems of an industrial civilization / Elton Mayo -- And keep your powder dry / Margaret Mead -- Moby Dick / Herman Melville -- Selected writings of Herman Melville -- The American language / H.L. Mencken -- The human mind / Karl Menninger -- Collected sonnets of Edna St. Vincent Millay -- Jonathan Edwards / Perry Miller -- Men in business : essays on the history of entrepreneurship / edited by William Miller -- The martial spirit / Walter Millis -- Gone with the wind / Margaret Mitchell -- The far side of paradise : a biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald / Arthur Mizener -- Collected poems / Marianne Moore -- Summer's children / Barbara Morgan -- Admiral of the ocean sea : a life of Christopher Columbus / Samuel Eliot Morison -- The struggle for Guadalcanal / Samuel Eliot Morison -- The growth of the American republic / Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager -- Encyclopedia of American history / edited by Richard B. Morris -- The brown decades : a study of the arts in America, 1865-1895 / Lewis Mumford -- Roots of contemporary American architecture / edited by Lewis Mumford -- Sticks and stones / Lewis Mumford -- An American dilemma / Gunnar Myrdal -- America through British eyes / edited by Allan Nevins -- Ford : the times, the man, the company / Allan Nevins, with Frank E. Hill -- 55 short stories from The New Yorker -- The New Yorker twenty-fifth anniversary album, 1925-1950 -- Memoirs of a superfluous man / Albert Jay Nock -- McTeague / Frank Norris -- Appointment in Samarra / John O'Hara -- Nine plays / Eugene O'Neill

Anything can happen / George Papshvily and Helen Waite Papshvily -- The Oregon Trail / Francis Parkman -- The Parkman reader / edited by Samuel Eliot Morison -- The colonial mind, 1620-1800 / Vernon Louis Parrington -- Genesis of a music / Harry Partch -- Philosophical writings of Pierce / edited by Justus Buchler -- Lanterns on the levee / William Alexander Percy -- The thought and character of William James / Ralph Barton Perry -- Wild America / Roger Tory Peterson and James Fisher -- The complete tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe -- Flowering Judas and other stories / Katherine Anne Porter -- Theodore Roosevelt / Henry F. Pringle -- Prize articles 1954 / edited by Llewellyn Miller -- From immigrant to investor / Michael Pupin -- Representative American plays, from 1767 to the present day / edited by Arthur Hobson Quinn -- I came out of the eighteenth century / John Andrew Rice -- American Romantic painting / Edgar P. Richardson -- Painting in America / Edgar P. Richardson -- The trees / Conrad Richter -- Individualism reconsidered and other essays / David Riesman -- The lonely crowd / David Riesman and others -- Oil! Titan of the Southwest / Carl Coke Ritter -- Rabble in arms / Kenneth Roberts -- Tilbury Town / Edwin Arlington Robinson -- I remember distinctly / compiled by Agnes Rogers, text by Frederick Lewis Allen -- This I remember / Eleanor Roosevelt -- Theodore Roosevelt's letters to his children -- The education of Hyman Kaplan / Leonard Q. Ross -- Hollywood / Leo C. Rosten -- American humor / Constance Rourke -- The roots of American culture and other essays / Constance Rourke -- Life in the Far West / George Frederick Ruxton -- Boss rule / J.T. Salter -- Abraham Lincoln, the prairie years / Carl Sandburg -- The people, yes / Carl Sandburg -- Crazy Horse / Mari Sandoz -- Old Jules / Mari Sandoz -- The last Puritan / George Santayana -- The life of reason / George Santayana -- The Saturday Evening Post treasury / edited by Roger Butterfield -- Literary America : a chronicle of American writers from 1607-1952 / edited by David E. Scherman and Rosemarie Redlich -- The age of Jackson / Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. -- A history of American philosophy / Herbert W. Schneider -- Hear me talkin' to ya : the story of jazz by the men who made it / edited by Nat Shapiro and Nat Hentoff -- Roosevelt and Hopkins / Robert E. Sherwood -- Sixteen famous American plays / edited by Bennett A. Cerf and Van H. Cartmell -- A dangerous freedom / Bradford Smith -- Musical comedy in America / Cecil Smith -- Virgin land / Henry Nash Smith -- Creating an industrial civilization / edited by Eugene Staley -- The autobiography of Lincoln Steffens -- Mormon country / Wallace Stegner -- Selected writings of Gertrude Stein / edited by Carl Van Vechten -- The grapes of wrath / John Steinbeck -- The passport / Saul Steinberg -- The builders of the bridge : the story of John Roebling and his son / D.B. Steinman -- The collected poems of Wallace Stevens -- U.S. 40 : cross section of the United States of America / George R. Stewart -- Uncle Tom's cabin / Harriet Beecher Stowe -- The autobiography of an idea / Louis H. Sullivan -- Alexander Calder / James Johnson Sweeney -- Crime and the community / Frank Tannenbaum -- Alice Adams / Booth Tarkington -- Center ring : the people of the circus / Robert Lewis Taylor -- The great experiment / Frank Thistlethwaite -- A socialist's faith / Norman Thomas -- The works of Thoreau / edited by Henry S. Canby -- The thunder carnival / James Thurber -- Yankee lawyer : the autobiography of Ephraim Tutt / Arthur Train -- The liberal imagination / Lionel Trilling -- The middle of the journey / Lionel Trilling -- Year of decisions / Harry S. Truman -- The family Mark Twain -- The American land / William R. Van Dersal -- Benjamin Franklin / Carl Van Doren -- Nathaniel Hawthorne / Mark Van Doren -- The theory of the leisure class / Thorstein Veblen -- The man on the assembly line / Charles R. Walker and Robert H. Guest -- Shaping America's products / Don Wallance -- Democracy in Jonesville / W. Lloyd Warner and Associates -- All the king's men / Robert Penn Warren -- Up from slavery / Booker T. Washington -- Victor Herbert / Edward N. Waters -- The great frontier / Walter Prescott Webb -- The saga of American society / Dixon Wecter -- Selected stories of Eudora Welty -- The grandmothers / Glenway Wescott -- The friendly persuasion / Jessamyn West -- Ethan Frome / Edith Wharton -- Selected chapters from the Autobiography of Andrew D. White -- Here is New York / E.B. White -- One man's meat / E.B. White -- A subtreasury of American humor / edited by E.B. White and Katherine S. White -- The autobiography of William Allen White -- Leaves of grass and selected prose / Walt Whitman -- Street corner society / William Foote Whyte -- Heaven's my destination / Thornton Wilder -- A little treasury of American poetry / edited by Oscar Williams -- The shock of recognition : the development of literature in the United States of America / edited by Edmund Wilson -- The shores of light / Edmund Wilson -- Ruggles of Red Gap / Harry Leon Wilson -- American science and invention / Mitchell Wilson -- The springs / Anne Goodwin Winslow -- The Virginian / Owen Wister -- We who built America / Carl Wittke -- Look homeward, angel / Thomas Wolfe -- The Bonanza Trail : ghost towns and mining towns of the West / Muriel Sibell Wolle -- The strange career of Jim Crow / C. Vann Woodward -- Autobiography / Frank Lloyd Wright -- How we invented the airplane / Orville Wright -- Literary opinion in America / edited by Morton Dauwen Zabel -- As I remember him / Hans Zinsser.
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